The unemployment rate is one indicator addressing two goals of Sustainable Development Goals which are Goal 1 and Goal 8. To answer the goal 1 which is “end poverty in all its forms everywhere”, each country should calculate some indicators such as the proportion of population below the international poverty line by sex, age, employment status and proportion covered by social protection floors/systems by sex, distinguishing children, unemployed status, etc.
To answer goal 8 which is “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”, each country need to measure unemployment rate by sex, age, and persons with disabilities. These indicators emphasize the importance of unemployment information. The unemployment statistics can describe labor force utilization and relative performance of the economy in a country [1-2]. Unemployment has a contribution to poverty as stated in the study [3] that by eliminating unemployment of household heads, poverty would decrease by about 10%.
National Statistical Office, BPS (Statistics Indonesia) conducts National Labor Force Survey (NLFS) with 200,000 households as target sample size every semester. The NLFS provides unemployment estimation down to regency/municipality. One indicator that have to be monitored to validate the unemployment rate is job vacancy. The higher the number of job vacancy, the more people are employed.
Nowadays, many companies post the job vacancy through the internet via job posting website or company website. In this study, we develop a system that automatically crawl such information and analyse the trend of job vacancy from job posting website. In addition, we elaborate the Google Trend data which are collected via API of Google Trend to understand the trend of job vacancy via keyword used by the job seeker. Then, we compare the analysis result with the NLFS result per month of release date (in February and August).
The following are the analysis result:

The comparison of Google Trend on the keyword "lowongan kerja" and NLFS in February and August from 2010 to 2019. Overall, the trend of number of searching using "lowongan kerja" is same as the trend of unemployment rate calculated in NLFS. In 2011, there was a sharp difference between Google Trend and NLFS, wherein Google Trend the figure in February is higher than in August while in NLFS it was contrary.

The darker the color, the higher the volume of search.

We crawled data from website to get information about number of job vacancy and the minimum and maximum salary offered.

Jakarta Raya, Bandung, Jakarta Selatan, Surabaya, and Bekasi are the 5th highest job vacancy number. These areas are central of business and industry.

The above bar chart shows us the average of minimum and maximum salary offered by job vacancy in each area. The highest average of minimum salary is in Depok and the highest average of maximum salary is in Jakarta Pusat. The lowest average of minimum and maximum salary is in Jogyakarta.