1 November 2019 Studi Banding Big Data STIS di Bandung Dalam rangka meningkatkan wawasan dan menambah jejaring, Tim Big Data STIS melakukan studi banding ke beberapa tempat yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 21-23 Oktober 2019 di Bandung.
Monthly Discussion 15 October 2019 Monthly Discussion: Mapping predictions using opportunistic samples: can we trust our inferences? Bertempat di Ruang Rapat Gedung 1 Lantai 2 Politeknik Statistika STIS, telah dilaksanakan knowledge sharing dengan topik "Mapping predictions using opportunistic samples: can we trust our inferences?".
Monthly Discussion 25 September 2019 Monthly Discussion: How to write an effective Scientific Paper Bertempat di Ruang Rapat Gedung 1 Lantai 2 Politeknik Statistika STIS, telah dilaksanakan monthly discussion dengan topik "How to write an effective Scientific Paper".
Featured Social Media 21 September 2019 Tourism Promotion on Social Media and Online Media This study is aimed to develop a platform for social media and online media extraction specifically for tourism conversation and discussion around the world. The result would be used to analyze the effectiveness of the tourism campaign launched by the ministry of tourism
Featured Web Scraping 18 September 2019 Utilization of Online Travel Agency Data Scraping as Tourism Potential Projection This article describes the use of Big Data in tourism statistics, especially in accommodation statistics. The collected data is then processed to see how the accommodation is distributed, seeing the movement of occupancy and prices in each province day by day.
Crowdsourcing 28 August 2019 Nowcasting Modelling of Volatile and Non-Volatile Food Prices Using Crowdsourcing Data Work In Progress Nowcasting Modelling of Volatile and Non-Volatile Food Prices Using Crowdsourcing Data (Case Study of Some Food Commodities Prices on Lombok Island in
Featured Social Media 27 August 2019 Job Vacancy Monitoring This research is aimed to develop a web system that is able to monitor the index google trend and twitter, doing scraping news, and doing job scraping. In addition, news that has been collected can be done with a particular keyword search.